However a series of unfortunate events in recent months is proving that 2009 aint too hot either. I’m begining to think ‘what next?’ and that my parents dread to hear from me as it will just be a further tale of woe. My run of bad luck was kicked off in Sept when I had to go in to hospital for the first time in my life for an operation. This left me needing to stay with my parents due to incapacity and relying on my mother to help bathe me and wash my hair, sort of humiliating beyond the age of a small child. However, all went well and no further treatment was required so not essentially bad luck in itself.
On returning to work I discovered that I had lost my job and would be unemployed in a mere few weeks. This was devastating as I am the sole earner in my household and never quite got round to the grown up thing of saving and contingency plans. I had to fulfil certain work commitments before I was due to leave and was in Edinburgh on a two day exhibition when the next unfortunate event took place.
My colleagues and associated peers were enjoying a few refreshments in a bar after the very busy first exhibition day, when we turned to leave I realised that my Mulberry bag which had been sat beside us had been nicked! I searched the entire place in the hope that the thief was after cash and cards and had the decency to dump my bag. Unfortunately it was gone, along with my keys, phone, MAC make up, Marc Jacobs perfume, Chanel lip gloss and a USB stick containing my LIFE!!! It was these losses that were felt keenly, after all, cards can be cancelled and replaced!

I had just organised a replacement driving license and paid the £20 fee when I opened my mail and some Good Samaritan had found my licence in a hospital in Edinburgh and had posted it back to me. Although this restored my faith in mankind, it was alas a tad too late to save me the cost and hassle of replacing it. I fear bits and pieces of me will be turning up all over the greater Edinburgh area. I do not understand why thieves take handbags now, in the age of internet and phone banking my cards were cancelled within the hour and like the Queen I barely ever have any cash about my person, although the bag itself was Mulberry it had been well used and had that loved worn-in look.
So with the end of job came the end of being upwardly mobile as my company car was collected. Fortunately my parents had retained the run-around that my sister and I had used a good 10 years previously. Although a little rough around the edges it did the job and I was grateful my parents could spare it for my indefinite use. Needing one or two minor maintenance jobs I was off on public transport to pick up some jump leads, wiper blades etc before I could start motoring. On returning home, I walked passed my parking place and found that someone (you left your footprints all over the bonnet!) had sat? stood? on the windscreen completely shattering it!
Things were getting ridiculous, my neighbours resorted to leaving sprigs of lucky white heather and lottery tickets on my door step, in the hope that the wind would change.
These things happen and I’m sure I would have taken them all in my stride had they been more evenly spaced or had I not been so fragile in the first place. I am hoping that things are behind me now and I can laugh about these events (sort of). The support from friends and family make me realise that I am in fact lucky and the opportunities that I have had and will continue to have place me better off than a lot of people and at the end of the day I have my health, everything else is expendable is it not? And so as December fast approaches I am hopeful that 2010 will be my year.
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