Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Has anyone seen a life pass by?

Sorry it has been a while since I last put fingers to keyboard for that my apologies....

There has been a number of good reasons for my protracted absence. Primarily my new job. I started my new job in early December, in a completely different role from all my previous positions.

I arrived on my first day wracked with nerves and shell shocked, following a few weeks out of work the early rise was somewhat shocking!

I was over an hour early and had a nervous sit in the car with a coffee and muffin, kept company and buoyed up by messages of support from my lovely twitter friends. Time passed and soon I was being ushered into my boss's room for an induction chat. I was handed a full diary and introduced to numerous new faces and pointed in the direction of my office.

I sat in my office in blind panic thinking 'how on earth did I get here? What am I going to do? What if I can't do the job?'. Time passed and I worked my way through the scheduled meetings and tried to remember all the names and responsibilities. I would still swing to blind panic over my ability to do the job but mostly I thought 'I can do this!'

And do you know what? I CAN do it, I AM doing it and I'm really enjoying it. It is a complete departure from anything that I have done in the past but I feel that I am actually achieving something. For the first time in a long time my work life balance is good, I am satisfied with my work and what I do is worthwhile, people actually benefit from the work that I am putting in.

There is one small fly in the ointment, I am only on a temporary 6 month contract. As a project manager I guess this is quite common once a project is finished then the project manager becomes surplus to requirements. However, my boss seems keen for me to link in with other areas of interest, to move on to, or develope other projects, so hopefully, things going well, I may become a permanent project manager working on different areas of interest. It is lovely and refreshing to feel supported by my manager and to believe that she really does have my best interests at heart and really IS trying to get me a permanent position. I'll keep you posted!

Now I did mention that I was happy with my work life balance and I am. No longer am I lying awake at night with reports and tasks running through my mind. Or returning home late after a torturous drive back from the other side of Scotland to then start my paper work. However, now I find myself with free evenings, long forgotten are the pilates classes, the book group, the 10K training and all the other pursuits I used to devote my time to before I lost myself in my 'career'.

Slowly I shall once again join a book group, find good pilates and aerobics classes and I may even compete in the ladies 10K in May. So here I go in search of my life, wish me luck!

I will of course, keep you posted!

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